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Formal and Informal Learning: Why a balance between the two is required in a workplace?

Learning, as we all know, is part of life. The workplace is considered a legitimate environment for learning new skills and gaining knowledge that enhances an employee’s morale and encourages their participation in work-related activities. One can even say that work and learning are synonymous as when employees invest time in work activities their experiences accumulate. They get a better understanding of their role in the organization and its importance. In today’s fast-moving corporate environment, learning new skills and honing pre-existing capabilities is essential, and without the right tools, an employee may fall behind.  Corporate employees must continuously modify and update their working habits to sustain competitive advantage, remain employable and perform well. To help employees establish themselves better in the work environment and boost performance, companies come up with various opportunities and provide learning platforms. Through these opportunities, employees inte...

3 Reasons to Opt for a Lip Balm

Where is the Scientific Temper in India gone?

Employer Giving - An Amazing Way Corporates Show they really Care for the Society

How to Deal With Coworkers Who Pass the Buck?

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10 Company Perks that Retain Employees

10 Elements Of Corporate Culture That Matters Most To Employees

5 Ways to deal with hate speech on social media

Workplace Ostracism - Another Office Politics to be Seriously Dealt with

Present Issues and Trends in Health Psychology

Profit doesn't come in monetary terms only

Claustrophobic Environment can take a Toll on the Health of an Employee

Self-Teaching was a Way to Attain My Moksha

Was your manager competent enough to guide you in building your career?

Three Signs Your Manager Demonstrates Toxic Behavior

When agency people could not find anything to undermine my merit, they looked for personality disorders.

Nepotism In India

5 Amazing Eco-Friendly Indian Products To Reshape Your Lifestyle

Growing Up As Heather - Part 3

How micro-management can destroy an entire team in an office