
5 Ways to deal with hate speech on social media

Social media is a golden platform for connecting people and allowing them to network, share news and air their personal opinions. Unfortunately, it is often also filled with negativity. One such negative aspect of social media is hate speech. Hate speech incites violence, intolerance and toxicity. Its scale and impact are now amplified by new communications technologies. Hate speech has become one of the most common ways of spreading divisive rhetoric on a global scale, threatening peace around the world.

Workplace Ostracism - Another Office Politics to be Seriously Dealt with

You cannot escape office politics if you are a working person. Whether it is a government office or a corporate firm, you are bound to face it everywhere, every day. These office politics often lead to negative experiences that leave deep scars in the mind and life of a person. The persons facing toxic office politics often leave their jobs too quickly. The company loses valued employees without knowing the actual reasons behind their resignations. One such cause is the feeling of exclusion.

Present Issues and Trends in Health Psychology

Health psychology implies the biopsychosocial factors affecting health. Health psychologists believe that social and psychological factors freely influence our physical health. Thus, psychological science is adapted to promote a healthy mind to cure and prevent illness. The respective piece is a curtain-raiser to the vast field of health psychology proceed reading to explore more about the present issues and trends in health psychology.

Profit doesn't come in monetary terms only

Continued from part 3: Claustrophobic Environment can take a Toll on the Health of an Employee  When I analyzed the situation, I faced in my workplace I came up with these few points:- 1. Change the age-old practice of Restriction The observation:- The age-old practice of keeping employees engaged in one particular domain of work for a long time creates a feeling of dissatisfaction and frustration among the workers. In this situation, if a newcomer comes and asks for more, the seniors get concerned. The management tries not to offend the seniors by giving the new employee the required exposure that would enhance his/her skills. The solution:- Companies should arrange for new pieces of training at regular intervals to keep the employees engaged, up-to-date, and interested in their work. When seniors get to know new things they will invariably allow their juniors to do the same. This type of culture is seldom nurtured here.

Claustrophobic Environment can take a Toll on the Health of an Employee

Continued from Part 2: Self-Teaching was a Way to Attain My Moksha Claustrophobic Environment took a Toll on My Health The office premise where I used to work had a peculiar structure. The office space is divided into a two-storeyed one by using a false ceiling and floor to make way for more employees. Owners of such companies surely love saving money! Even though they make crores of rupees at the end of the day, spending money after employee safety and comfort is a trivial matter to them.

Self-Teaching was a Way to Attain My Moksha

Continued from Part 1:  Was your manager competent enough to guide you in building your career? Self-Teaching was a Way to Attain My Moksha Being a student of Eco-Stats-Maths and creative in nature I always wanted to work in a data-driven field related to advertising. Unfortunately, I never got any guru to guide me on my career path. I am a self-taught person who believed in rigorous self-teaching as a way to attain my moksha. I rigorously self-trained myself in these so that I could get a suitable job in the digital marketing field. I took a four-year course in commercial and visual art from an Art College and then trained myself in Web designing and Multimedia. All these to make me understand the trade and how the whole thing works.

Was your manager competent enough to guide you in building your career?

I have had a few weird and unusual experiences in my life, especially, in the workplace. Those experiences compelled me to wonder about the work ethics that are followed in these places as many of such practices adversely affected my career as well as others too. But before beginning what I endured let's read a story first:- The Story of a gem-cutter Once upon a time, there was a gem-cutter who was not so skilled in his trade. But he was a favorite of his master. One day his master gave him a very precious stone to cut into a beautiful piece of jewel. The gem-cutter could not do it properly. He broke it into several pieces. His master realized his mistakes and soon replaced him with a skilled one. The new gem-cutter collected the pieces of this broken gem and cut each one of them beautifully. They are now smaller in size but they shone brilliantly. The mistake done by the jewel shop owner was that he relied on somebody based on favoritism and not on the skills he possessed to perfo